



        그리스 및 오일

        • LGTE 2 - Biodegradable grease for total loss applications
          Biodegradable grease for total loss applications
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        • LMCG 1-Grid and gear coupling grease
          LMCG 1 is a polyethylene thickened and mineral oil based grease which also uses a lithium complex thickening technology.
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        • LGLS 2-Chassis grease
          SKF LGLS 2 is a chassis grease that has been developed to be used ideally via lubrication systems under medium to high ambient temperatures.
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        • LGLS 0-Low temperature chassis grease
          SKF LGLS 0 is a semi-fluid chassis grease that has been developed to be used via lubrication systems under low to medium temperatures.
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        • LHMT 68/LHMT 265-Chain oil
          Chanin oil - Designed to fulfill the requirements of most industrial chain applications
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