



        다관식 윤활 시스템

        • Overview of Pumps and pump units for oil
          Overview of Pumps and pump units for oil
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        • OCL-M
          SKF Lincoln automatic chain lubrication system OCL-M combines a mechanical operated piston pump, lubrication application brushes as well as matching fittings, tubes and fixing materia
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        • Overview multi-line oil pumps and pump units
          Overview multi-line oil pumps and pump units
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        • SP / G
          The SP/G rotary-driven, multi-line piston pump features a ixed internal gear ratio of 33:1
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        • RA ... U
          The RA multi-line pump is a unique radial piston pump with stackable pump elements
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        • 55i
          The positive-displacement, single-action 55i pumps are fully adjustable by means of manually modifying the angle of the rocker arm to the cam
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        • JM
          The multi-line JM oil lubrication pump is a high-pressure pump that provides a maximum continuous operating pressure of 600 bar (8 700 psi)
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        • PDYY, PDYC, PDYE and PDYS
          Designed for high-speed cylinder lubrication on two-stroke engines, the PDY pumps use an existing oil supply system or drive pump unit
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        • PC
          Designed for total-loss lubrication systems with signiicant oil volume requirements, the PC pump unit features from 1 to 28 outlets
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        • RA ... M / RA B
          The RA radial piston pump features a modular design that enables use of up to ive stackable pump elements, and outlet reduction or expansion can be accomplished easily
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        • SP / PFE
          The SP / PFE multi-line pump is designed for very high system pressures Its drive parts are located in the pump housing and are pre-illed with high-viscosity gear oil
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